Bored? Why not put on your tornado-approved underpants and get into the space of Greg Johnson’s rock n’ roll truck to follow Canada’s tornado tormentor. He believes that folks don’t regret failure – they regret never taking a risk. I agree.
Greg claims he found himself after growing out his hair and moving to Saskatchewan. He not only discovered he loved extreme weather but that he was really good at capturing the soul of the storm. It can get a bit edgy and fast paced, as you can feel in his videos, but Greg never doubts himself or his team. Why? Because there is a difference between understanding the risk and being reckless.
Think about that. Taking a risk risks failure and that is a growing action. Being reckless puts everything at risk. Where are you in your farming, your life, your health, career or family journey? And how do tornados relate to agriculture? Well it would be an old cliché to say it was because of the risk involved (your crop could be wiped out) but there is a way to mitigate the loss. It would be boring to relate it strictly to weather and reckless to “throw caution to the wind”. And it would be remiss to not talk about “lives” when we talk about food. And maybe that is what was so enchanting about the wild and woolly and extremely talented Saskatchewan man – he listened to us and in the wind he heard a message. He has seen the loss of lives and the devastation from the sky. He has also known the miracles of lives saved and of the generosity of the human spirit. And when he listened to my young entrepreneurs and students he heard a deep and caring sound that was deep from the soul and resonated with his very core values.
“This is it,” he said. “This is the commercial, the conversation that your customer needs to hear. This is the message we are waiting for.” When someone like Greg, who has chosen his difference, tells us that we are on the edge of a great movement in food, then it is time to think deeply and to keep searching for the answers that grow our farms, our families, our communities and our nation. The solution may not be as easy as moving to Saskatchewan and growing out our hair but surely there is a moment when the core values and beliefs of those who grow food and those who eat it converge – and all that we do to get there is worth the risk.