I have spent the week in Perth, Australia at the national Nuffield conference. It was a time to speak and to listen to the best in agricultural leaders. The topics ranged from cloud technology to Brussels sprouts, from pastures to coexistence with GM crops, with everything in management in-between. It was a “sit on the edge of your seat” week that brings agriculture to life and makes you proud of being part of the health and well being of a nation through the production of food.
As risk junkies, people in agriculture thrive on the discussion of managing risk and learning how to empower people, agriculture’s greatest asset. That is the space that I spoke in – the empowerment of women who farm or live on farms. The empowering of girls as they make choices in life and the way to make it all happen. The support of men and women, boys and girls. Collectively we can do all things. As one participant said “you gave me goosebumps just listening to the passion – it is your reach that is so inspiring.” Together, we will go far.